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Over 50 million people per day log on to yahoo answers, that is 50 million people per day looking for answers to problems they have.  So you can swoop in on the process, provide answers to these problems and at the same time make some money.  How? You simply answer people’s questions whilst also providing a link to an affiliate product that they may be tempted to investigate and perhaps buy.   An affiliate product is where you get paid a commission when a  visitor (through your unique link) buys the product.  The most common firm with an affiliate marketing scheme is Amazon.com. 

In order to be able to provide quality answers to questions, you’ll need to concentrate on a particular topic and get knowledgeable on it.  Once you have picked your topic area, in order to get some idea of the wordings of typical questions that people ask related to it and also an indication of the questions that get asked over time, you could do a google adwords search on your topic area.  Then you can choose the wordings for your typical answer accordingly and at the same time become more knowledgeable.  As you start to answer questions over time, you’ll also start earning money through your affiliate link(s).  Whenever one of your answers get flagged as the “best answer”, it continues to get exposure. Google likes Yahoo Answers and often displays their answers within it’s search results. So there is the potential for your answers to continuously attract traffic and thereby the potential for people to continuously click on your affiliate link(s) and earn you money.